Prof Larry Crum (University of Washington, US)
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Dr. Lawrence A. Crum is currently Principal Physicist and Founder/Former Director of the Center for Industrial and Medical Ultrasound in the Applied Physics Laboratory, and Research Professor of Bioengineering and Electrical Engineering at the University of Washington (currently semi-retired). He has held previous positions at Harvard University, the U. S. Naval Academy, and the University of Mississippi, where he was F. A. P. Barnard Distinguished Professor of Physics and Director of the National Center for Physical Acoustics. In his academic career he has supervised over 50 PhD students, and many of his former students have gone on to outstanding careers of their own, including two university Deans, a Navy Lab Technical Director, and a Statutory Professor at the University of Oxford. He has published over 220 articles in peer-reviewed professional journals, holds an honorary doctorate from the Universite Libre de Bruxelles, and was awarded both the Helmholtz-Rayleigh Silver Medal and the Gold Medal of the Acoustical Society of America—its highest honor. He was a co-founder of the International Society for Therapeutic Ultrasound, served as its President from 2009-2012, and was awarded its Fry Medal in 2013. He is Past President of the Acoustical Society of America, the Board of the International Commission for Acoustics, and the World Council on Ultrasonics. He has been a co-founder of several bio-tech companies in the state of Washington, including EKOS; Ultrasound Technologies, Inc.; Therus; and SonoRhythm. He was also elected to the Board of Directors of China Medical Technologies, a broad-based medical technology company based in Hong Kong. He currently serves as Chief Technology Officer of Phoenix Lake, Inc., a silicon valley start-up. His principal areas of interest are therapeutic ultrasound, physical acoustics, and image-guided therapy.
Prof Werner Lauterborn (University of Gottingen, DE)
Prof Holger Schonherr (University of Siegen, DE)
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Holger Schönherr studied chemistry and polymer chemistry & physics at the Universities of Mainz and Toronto and obtained his Ph.D. at the University of Twente, The Netherlands in 1999. Following a postdoctoral stay at Stanford University, he joined MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology in Twente as assistant (later associate) professor before joining the University of Siegen in 2008 as a University Professor in Physical Chemistry. In 2013 he was also appointed guest professor at the Shanghai Jiaotong University. Holger Schönherr (ISI H-index 44) co-authored more than 220 papers in peer-reviewed journals as well as a monograph on “Scanning Force Microscopy of Polymers” (Springer). He was awarded, among others, with the Schloessmann award (Biology & Materials Science) of the Max Planck Society (1995), the DSM Award (2nd) for Chemistry & Technology (1999), a NWO vernieuwingsimpuls grant (2001), the Raphael-Eduard-Liesegang award of the German Colloid Society (2011), an ERC starting grant (2011), the POLYCHAR Materials Science Award 2013 and Research Prize of the School of Science and Technology of the University of Siegen (2013). His research interests comprise the modification and characterization of organic and polymeric surfaces and (bio)interfaces, micro- and nanostructured materials, and analysis nanobubbles with atomic force microscopy (AFM) and combined AFM-optical methods.
Prof Stephan Zaleski (Sorbonne Université,CNRS, Institut Jean le Rond ∂’Alembert, FR)
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Stéphane Zaleski is Professor of Mechanics at Sorbonne Université, the new Paris university resulting of the merger of Université Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 6 and Université Paris-Sorbonne – Paris 4, and is currently (February to July 2019) on a visit at KTH in Stockholm. He studied for his doctorate at the Physics Department of Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, then held an assistant professor position at the department of mathematics at MIT and a « chargé de recherche » position at Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique in Paris. In 1992 he joined the Laboratoire de Modélisation en Mécanique of Université Paris 6 which later became the Jean Le Rond ∂’Alembert Institute. He investigates various numerical methods for the simulation of multiphase flow with applications for atomization, cavitation, porous media flow, boiling, hydrometallurgy and droplet impact. He currently investigates several variants of the Volume of Fluid method for interface tracking, expecially for large density ratio flows, and its connection to multiscale modelling. He has written several computer codes for the simulation of two-phase flow including SURFER (with G. Zanetti, R. Scardovelli and D. Gueyffier) and PARIS Simulator (with R. Scardovelli and G. Tryggvason), and was closely connected to the development and use of the Gerris and Basilisk codes by Stéphane Popinet. He is Associate editor of Journal of Computational Physics and of Computer and Fluids. He received the Victor Noury prize of the Paris Academy of Sciences and the Silver Medal of CNRS; he is a Fellow of the American Physical Society. He created with Patrick Huerre a PhD and Master degree program in Fluid Mechanics taught entirely in English, a rarity at a French University. He was head of the Jean Le Rond ∂’Alembert Institute from 2009 to 2018.
Dr. Steffen Schmidt (Technical University of Munich, GE)
Dr. Steffen Schmidt received a Diploma in Mathematics from TU München in 2005. He was member of research staff at Chair of Fluid Mechanics (TU München) from 2005 till 2009. Since 2009 he is the head of the Gas Dynamics Group at Chair of Aerodynamics and Fluidmechanics
Prof Yiannis Ventikos (University College London, UK)
Personal webpage
Yiannis Ventikos is the Kennedy Professor of Mechanical Engineering and the Head of the Mechanical Engineering Department at University College London. He established the Fluidics and Biocomplexity Group that currently involves round 10 researchers, mostly at the doctoral and postdoctoral level. He has published about 120 papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals, has contributed chapters in 8 books, has presented more than 300 papers in international conferences and workshops and has filed 9 international patents to date. He is the senior academic founder of a spin-out company and consults internationally in topics of his expertise. He has served as a reviewer for more than 50 academic journals as well as for textbook and monograph publishers. He is on the editorial board of 5 journals and an Associate Editor of an IMechE peer review journal. Prof Ventikos’ research focuses on transport phenomena and fluid mechanics, as they are applied to biomedical engineering problems, energy, innovative industrial processes and biocomplexity.
Prof Peter Pelz (Technische Universität Darmstadt, GE)
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Professor Dr.-Ing. Peter Pelz (born 1967) is Professor of Fluid Systems Technology at the Technische Universität Darmstadt since 2006. He studied mechanical engineering and mathematics at Technische Universität Darmstadt and Trinity College Dublin. He learned the mathematically-axiomatic engineering skills as an assistant to Professor J. H. Spurk. His research work with Merck KG on liquid chromatography led to his PhD in 1998. Until 2006, Prof. Pelz worked for the Freudenberg Group most recently as Head of Advanced Engineering for Automotive Vibration Control. In 2006, he was appointed the TU Darmstadt. His main research partner is the Mechanical Engineering Industry Association (VDMA) and the Research Association for Air and Drying Technology. From the very beginning, his work has focused on combining physical models and experiments in order to secure and simultaneously accelerate development processes. One of the results of this work is the successful concept of the virtual exhaust gas turbocharger developed jointly with IAV. Today, virtual engineering using Technical Operational Research is based on these results. On the other hand, he sees himself as a pioneer in classical mechanical engineering. He is actively involved in the implementation of the EU Ecodesign Directive (ErP, EuP) as an advocate for companies. Born in Mainz, he is married and has two children.
Prof Steven Evans (Leeds University, UK)
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Received PhD from University of Lancaster in 1997. He undertook postdoctoral research at Imperial College, London and Eastman Kodak (Rochester, USA) before joining the School of Physics and Astronomy, in Leeds, as a Lecturer in 1991. He was promoted to Chair in 2002. In 1996 he became the Deputy Director of the Centre for Self-Organising Systems, and he was Chairman of the School of Physics and Astronomy from 2003 -2007. He has been the Director of Research and Innovation since 2007. He is the Director of Research for the NHS Healthcare Technology Cooperative for Colorectal Cancer and sits on and number of local committees for Physics /Healthcare Interface. In 2015 he was appointed as a Member of the National Measurement System Surface and Biophysics Metrology Expert Group (PEG) by the Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BEIS), National Physical Laboratory, UK as well as to the Advisory Board for Interdisciplinary Chemical Biology Doctoral Training Centre, Imperial College, UK and the NexGenAgriChem Advisory Board, Imperial College, UK. He has served on the organising /executive committees for the EPSRC “Physics of Life” Network and the BBSRC “Synthetic Components Network”.He is on the editorial board for Biophysical Journal, and previously for Experimental Nanoscience and Journal of Materials. He has given >33 invited keynote /plenary talks, organises an annual Microbubble Symposium and organizes the National Meeting for the Colorectal HTC. He has published over 230 scientific papers (H-index 49) and over 8800 citations. Since 2010 he has received over €25.0M in research funding.
Prof Richard Bensow (Chalmers University, SE)
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Prof R.E. Bensow is since 2011 professor in hydrodynamics at the department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences, heading Chalmers research on ship resistance and propulsion. He is the director of the Rolls-Royce University Technology Centre in Computational Hydrodynamics since 2010. He is currently advising seven PhD students and two post-doc working with cavitation, multiphase flows, propulsion systems, and optimisation.
Dr Magralena Neuhauser (Andritz Hydro, CH)
Received a degree in Technical Mathematics from University of Technology Vienna, Austria, in 2010. She completed her PhD on the coupling of SPH-ALE and Finite Volume method in 2014 at Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France. Since then she is working in the research and development department of ANDRITZ HYDRO in Vevey as expert in the fields of numerical simulation, monitoring, hydro-abrasive erosion and cavitation.
Prof Michel Versluis (University of Twente, NL)
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Michel Versluis was born in The Netherlands in 1963. He graduated with a degree in physics in 1988 from the University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands, with a special interest in molecular physics and astrophysics, working in the field of far-infrared laser spectroscopy of interstellar molecular species. Later, he specialized in the application of intense tunable ultraviolet lasers for flame diagnostics, resulting in a successful defense of his PhD thesis in 1992. After a two-year research position working on molecular dynamics at Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia, he continued to work on developing laser diagnostic techniques for internal combustion engines (Lund, Sweden) and industrial jet flames and solid rocket propellants (Delft, The Netherlands). Dr. Versluis is now full professor Physical and Medical Acoustics at the University of Twente, The Netherlands, in the Physics of Fluids group. He is an expert in ultra high-speed imaging with a particular interest in the use of microbubbles and microdroplets for medical applications, both in imaging and in therapy, and in the physics and control of bubbles and droplets in microfluidic applications in medicine and the nanotechnology industry.
Assoc. Prof Ashfaq Adnan (The University of Texas at Arlington, US)
Personal webpage
Dr. Adnan is an associate professor in the Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Department and director of the Multiscale Mechanics and Physics Lab (MMPL) at UTA. He earned his PhD in Aeronautics & Astronautics Engineering from Purdue University. Before joining UTA in the Fall of 2010, he was a postdoctoral research associate at Northwestern University. His current research and teaching interests encompass solid mechanics, materials science, and nano-bio mechanics. The core focus of his research group is to study mechanical and physical behavior of materials at multiple length scales in order to develop high performance structural materials.
Prof Nico de Jong (TU Delft / Erasmus MC, NL)
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Nico de Jong, graduated from Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, in 1978. He got his M.Sc. in physics specialised in the field of pattern recognition. Since 1980, he is staff member of the thoraxcenter of the Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam. In 1993 he received his Ph.D. for “Acoustic properties of ultrasound contrast agents.” In 2003 he became part-time professor at the University of Twente in the group Physics of Fluids headed by Detlef Lohse (Spinoza-winner 2005). He is organizer of the annual European Symposium on Ultrasound Contrast Imaging, held in Rotterdam and attended by approximately 175 scientists from universities and industries all over the world. He is on the safety committee of WFUMB (World Federation of Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology), associate editor of UMB and has been guest editor for special issues of different journals. Over the last 5 years he has given more than 30 invited lectures and has given numerous scientific presentations for international industries. He teaches on Technical Universities and the Erasmus MC. He has been Promotor of 21 PhD students and is currently supervising 11 PhD students. Since 1 October 2011 he is professor in Molecular Ultrasonic Imaging and Therapy at the Erasmus MC and the Technical University of Delft and since 1 December 2015 (part-time) head of the department Acoustical Waveform Imaging at the Technical University in Delft.
Prof Michael Wensing (Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, DE)
Graduated in Mechanical Engineering from RWTH Aachen University in 1994 with a specialization in internal combustion engines. He received his Doctor grade (with honors) from Friedrich-Alexander University FAU in 1999 on a topic in the investigation of fuel sprays. After finishing his doctorate, he entered Meta GmbH, a development company and engineering consultant in the region of Aachen Germany. Already 6 month after entering (2000) he became team leader for the combustion development team at Meta. After two years (2002) he became department manager and took the leadership of the department process development for SI and Diesel engines at Meta; from that time on he managed numerous engine technology projects at Meta including the build-up of various demonstration engines and demonstration cars; from 2004, he additionally supervised engine and vehicle testing at Meta GmbH.
Since 2006 Dr. Michael Wensing holds a professorship (lifetime faculty position) for Engineering thermodynamics at the Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics (LTT) of Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU). He is renowned for his contribution to the development of diesel and gasoline fuel injection systems and spray research. Additionally, he is known for advanced CVCs and (laser) optical diagnostics that are currently used by many R&D departments of automotive companies in Germany. His research group at FAU is third party founded by more than 90% with research contracts from the national and international automotive industry and public research foundation like the EU and national and international research councils. In the past 5 years he and his research group have been in regular cooperation and have been engineering consultants to national and international automotive industry.
Assoc. Prof Tadd T. Truscott (Utah State University, US)
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Tadd Truscott’s current research interests are in fluid dynamics, novel imaging and experimental methods. By merging different areas of research, he works on problems such as three-dimensional flow-field dynamics of rising and falling objects in water, acceleration induced cavitation, the transport of water through desert plants and the collective behavior of pelotons and fish. Tadd received his BS in mechanical engineering from the University of Utah, and a PhD at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Ocean and Mechanical Engineering. He is currently an associate professor at Utah State University.